Game Events
Rishi Bhagat
Project Library
Team Project: Tanked
Producer & Designer
Engine: Unity 3D - Photon Pun 2
Tanked is a whacky hide and seek party game that turns your friends against each other in a desperate race of survival. The core gameplay of Tanked is the hiders having to complete their quests to unlock the safe zone to win and to rank high in the leader board. There are two types of quests generic and specific. Generic quests are universal e.g unlocking the zone by finding the zone key. Specific quests are relevant to the class which is depended to the map e.g playing as a pirate one of the specific quest is to fight the sharks.
This was a team project and my main role was being the Producer. To manage this project I organised weekly sprints using Scrum, this made sure everyone was working on the game allowing us to reach our milestones. Being a Producer has allowed me to improve my communication skill as I had to speak to the team. It also improved my time management skill as I had to make backlog tasks for the sprints and by making sure they were all completed by the deadline.
With my diverse skill sets such as being able to program I helped the Lead Programmer by building on top of the framework of the quest systems.
One of the main key skill that I learnt was being able to study Photon Pun 2, then applying the knowledge that I had learnt to creating new mechanics in an online multiplayer scene.
Implemented all the finalised functionalities for all the quests.
Created a Tool Tip User Interface for both the quests and items in the inventory. The tool tip shows an in-depth description. Hoovering the mouse over the item displays their description. For the hiding spots, I created a hiding tool tip and this tip only shows when the player is in contact with a hiding object. If the player is in it radius, the tool tip pops up displaying what button needs to be pressed to hide.
Created the hint and setting screen menu and their functionalities e.g setting the volumes for the sound and the screen resolution.
Constructed a 2D blend tree for the character movement animation allowing the character to idle, run, crouch and jump.
Configuring the lighting system for both maps by using Post Processing.
I also helped the Lead Artist.
I created all the 3D particle systems for both maps.
I rearranged and replaced the greybox map items with its new assets.
VR Oculus Quest 2: Spirit Calling VR
Designer & Programmer
Engine: Unity 3D - Oculus Intergration
Spirit Calling VR is a first person, survival horror and hunting game. The protagonist is a supernaturalist investigating paranormal activities.The player must make their way through the cursed haunted house by eliminating the demonic entities, Part of being a supernaturalist requires both mental and physical skills as it involves uncovering mysteries and exorcising powerful creatures. The gameplay involves locating the creatures and then destroying them by directly pointing a light source at them. Ritual must be completed to confront the leader. During the search in the location, players must study each creature's behaviour as they have their own personal traits.
The core mechanic is the lens for the flashlight. There are five different types of lens with each possessing an ability.
Yellow - First default light, low attack damage.
Purple - Second default light, can see UV prints.
Orange - Burns the creature dealing more damage.
Cyan - Shrinks the creature but has side effects to the creature causing them to grow bigger.
Blue - Opens a portal to one of the three locations in the house.
The yellow lens uses up energy only if fired. If there is no energy the yellow lens will still be active but wont be able to fire. To restore energy the player must hold the red gem which is an energy source. The Orange, Cyan and Blue lens do not use up energy instead they have their own usage. Energy source do not work on those lenses the player must find the exact bulb to recover their usage. This can be done by finding them in the map or by going to the shop which rewards the player with a random lens.
For the player to confront the boss, all the ritual tasks must be completed. There are five in total each being uniquely different. For the design of the tasks I have made sure it involves the player having to make full use of their lens e.g to open the padlock the player must use the purple lens to find the numbers that are printed on the walls. Another task involves the player having to kill the plant creature to obtain the book.
When designing Spirit Calling I had to make sure it utilities the technical features of the Oculus Quest.
Implemented 3D audio,
Implemented VR interactions being able to grab, hold and place objects.
During the development of Spirit Calling I learnt new skills such as learning VR physics such as hand interaction and audio. I also learnt how to create Finite State Machine for the creatures being able to patrol, chase, attack and die.
VR Oculus Quest 2: Prisma Run
For this project, me and my partner designed a VR prototype on Unity for the Quest 2. The core gameplay is to shoot the enemy and the hazardous objects by using their corresponding colours. The game has three different levels; the first level consists of primary colours, with the second level focused on secondary colours. With the final level, the player would need to create tertiary colours, this will be the most challenging level compared to the previous two. For the player to create these colours, they will be using a device called “Colour Alternator”.
I contributed by implementing User Interface health, score and colour icons. Creating the main menu screen. Designing mock ups for the levels and then modeling it. Lastly, implementing audio and the broken wall effect.
I have learnt new technical skills such as: creating a 2D array which stores the colours for the Colour Alternator. This array is attached the UI toggle which allows the player to switch through the list of colours. Setting up ragdoll physicals and controller feedback.
Engine: Unity 3D - Oculus Intergration
First Person Shooter: Warehouse
Designer & Programmer
Warehouse is a first person shooter. This is a high fidelity prototype. The player plays as a solider who has been assigned to shut down the generators to stop evil robots from being manufactured.
This was a solo project. During this development I learnt new technical skills such as creating UIs, switching between two controllable players, grappling hook, setting up AI and weapon behaviours.
Engine: Unity 3D
2.5D: Quantum Shift
Designer & Programmer
Engine: Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Quantum Shift is a 2.5D game inspired from Moon Lighter. The objective of the game is to collect the pieces from the different realms to reassemble the teleporter.
This was a group project. Everyone in the team were designers and programmers.
I worked on the second level "Ice Realm". For this level I implemented a slippery physic effect which the player will slide to bring the realism when walking on ice. I also coded the boss and the creatures behaviors for the ice realm. I also implemented the creature journal book which display information about them.
We used Scrum to manage our project. Each sprint we took it in turns to become Scrum Master. When I was Scrum Master I learnt how to create backlog tasks using Scrumwise. It taught me how to become a team leader, as I had to arrange meetings and has helped me improve my communication skill.
Top Down: Escape
Designer & Programmer
Escape is a top down endless runner. The objective is to collect the coins by avoiding the on coming traffic. The player can shoot either left or right to get through the traffic.
I learnt the framework of Object Orientated. I also learnt how to build a game using Pygame.
Language: Python in Pygame
Text Adventure: Outer Space
Designer & Programmer
Outer space is a text adventure game. The objective is to steal the idol that is located deep inside the planet. On your adventure you encounter different creatures and puzzles.
I learnt the basic framework of python such as using IF and ELSE statements and loops. I also learnt how to use a dictionary to creating an inventory system. When battling the creatures I've implemented a system were the creature will pick an action from their battle list. Inspired from Pokemon.
Language: Python